Suggestions for Digital Audio Recorder

I'm looking for a standalone digital audio recorder device, either home or portable, that has analog inputs and outputs, as well as digital inputs and outputs.  Some thing that can record at CD quality and higher resolution, with built in memory storage or SD card slots.  Thank you. 


Another option is the Korg MR2000S.

I still have an Alesis Masterlink in my rack, which is actually quite a good recorder.

Please look for a used Sony PCM-D100. Too bad Sony discontinued this reference-grade portable voice recorder. Amazon has them as new or used.


You can get all the things you’re asking for (in a general sense) with either home or portable. However, a full size unit will have a lot more features - they have more room for circuitry & connectors.

A portable can make live recordings in the field. If you want that, you need a portable. If not, you should get a home unit.

Sony makes great portables, with excellent A/D converters.