Anyone still use MiniDisc, DDC tape or DAT tapes?

These were more obscure formats, but still had some kind of following. Since hipsters only like analog, these other formats remain virtually "dead," but they were fun to play with. Anyone still use them?


I was a concert ‘taper’ for many years. I still have all my master DAT’s, as well as all the tapes I received in trades. Still have my whole field recording rig, too. Mics and all, including the Tascam DA-P1 and a couple Sony D8’s.  

@jriggy that is just too cool. ‘Tapers’ such as yourself are responsible for recording and preserving an incredible treasure trove of music that would otherwise be lost forever.

I got into trading a little so I could access this music that couldn’t be bought from a store. I had some friends who were really into trading and got me hooked. 

Have you since transferred your music off of your DAT tapes?

@rhg3 i have not. I did give some of the best recordings I pulled to a guy who uploaded them, I think. I believe a source of mine has been needed to fill the gap only once or twice.