Best speakers for a small room

Hello all, I'm looking for recommendations for best speakers for a small room. Room is 125 square feet with 10 foot ceiling. 10k budget.  Ideas?


Small rooms have two issues: First, the reflection path lengths are short, and that’s bad because early reflections are more likely to be detrimental than later-arriving ones. Second, the smaller the room, the larger and more audible the room-induced bass region peaks and dips tend to be.

A combination of narrow and well-behaved loudspeaker radiation patterns and early-reflection-avoidant speaker setup can reduce the amount of undesirable early reflections. Room treatments can help, as long as they don’t ruin the spectral balance of the reflected energy by overly-absorbing the highs.

Small rooms tend to reinforce the bass region moreso than large rooms, so having a means of adjusting the amount of in-room bass energy can be helpful. In my opinion too much bass is more distracting than not enough bass.

In general smooth bass is "fast" bass, and the in-room bass energy can be smoothed via EQ, bass trapping, or a distributed multisub system. Which if any of these approaches make sense depends on the specifics.

Danager mentions diagonal set-up and big Altec speakers. The big Altecs have very good radiation pattern control, and a diagonal setup geometry can reduce the amount of energy in the early reflections. And if you can introduce some asymmetry such that each of the speakers is a different distance from the two nearest walls, that can help with room interaction in the bass region.

Of course the big Altecs are probably impractical for a small room at least here in the USA, but not necessarily in Japan!  I mention them because they have the sort of radiation pattern that I believe can work well in a small room. 


speaker manufacturer

Any LS3/5A type ( sealed woofer ) should fit the bill! Harbeth, Spendor, Falcon, Stirling, etc., etc., all make them!

For actives, either LS60 or a pair of Cabasse pearl. I've heard both in tiny listening rooms  (tinier than your dimensions) and they sound surprisingly good for near-field less than 2 meters, especially LS60. LS60 is more refined, colored and laid back. Pearl is slightly less refined but less colored and more fun, and you can put them on TV console without stands. 

For passives, I may be more partial towards Cabasse because I'm using one now but I believe Riga and Baltic are perfect for small rooms and have extremely high WAF. If not Cabasse, I would get Sonus Faber Electa Amator III, Triangle Magellan Duetto, or Focal Sopra No 1. 

Anything with a rolled off bass because you will get a good bit of room gain below 60hz. Size of the speaker does not matter too much but how low it reaches will. Simple fix is just to use want ever speaker you want and EQ the bass.

4,603 posts
07-03-2022 at 06:57am
“ …Any LS3/5A type ( sealed woofer ) should fit the bill! Harbeth, Spendor, Falcon, Stirling, etc., etc., all make them!…”

PLAN A = +1 as my first choice …because of your modest room size.

- with a nod to the HARBETH smaller standmount = HARBETH P3ESR XD
- One note of caution: all HARBETH speakers crave an “open form ” speaker stand (e.g. Tontraeger) to perform at their best.

PLAN B = TRIANGLE COMETE 40th Anniversary from France.

- Given your small room dimensions I would heartily these front ported standmounts to permit a closer positioning to the boundary walls.