Replace HDD in Sony HAP Z1ES with an SSD

I'd like to replace the (original) HDD in my HAP Z1ES with a solid state drive of perhaps 2.5 TB capacity. I'd appreciate any advice/caveats/taboos?

I ordered a 2 TB internal EVO. I had a 6 TB external kicking around. When the Skny formatted it there was 1.4 TB available 

I want to make friends with you guys who have thousands of songs of lossless! Lol

I can confirm that HAP-Z1ES storage capacity is limited to 2TB. Even though you install a larger capacity HDD, it will still just make use of 2TB space, while ignoring the rest

Has anyone mounted the removed drive to see what's on it? Are there any OS files of interest? That might all be on an internal flash of some kind. Just curious.