Replace HDD in Sony HAP Z1ES with an SSD

I'd like to replace the (original) HDD in my HAP Z1ES with a solid state drive of perhaps 2.5 TB capacity. I'd appreciate any advice/caveats/taboos?

Showing 4 responses by geworthomd

I ordered a 2 TB internal EVO. I had a 6 TB external kicking around. When the Skny formatted it there was 1.4 TB available 

I want to make friends with you guys who have thousands of songs of lossless! Lol

What is the “Modwright upgrade”. How much does it cost?  Is it worth it?  I will replace my hd this weekend. If I put in 3 TB u guys say the Sony will only recognize 2 tb?  The “Modwright upgrade” has nothing to do with expanding this right?


Ten thousand CD’s????  Wow!  I want to buy an airplane ticket, bring a few hard drives and a case of McCallum. Wow!  As long as it isn’t the Beatles or Neil Young I am up to hear anything lol