New mat for Rega P6?

I don’t like the mat that came with the Rega P6, lots of static and that’s even with a zero stat and carbon fiber brush. I’d like to hear from any Rega owners on what they use. Other voices are welcome, just be aware the Rega is not very adjustable, so any suggestions should replace the Rega mat one for one.Thanks in advance!  


The Herbie's Way Excellent mat did reduce static for my P10 setup and it didn't affect VTA.  This mat is much less expensive and better to my ears for sound quality than the Herbie's Grungebuster mat that sucked the life out of the music.  Between the WE mat and ultrasonic cleaning my LPs, static is no longer a problem.  IMO, this mat is a nice replacement for the felt mat on Rega TTs.  Other brand TTs may provide different results.

Double sided tape will fix the clinging issue but it won't eliminate or reduce static.

Thanks everyone OP here and I went with the Herbie's made for the Rega 6. It solved the problem 100%. I am still trying it out to see if it made a difference in sound. So far I haven't heard a difference I can say for sure. Maybe it needs more break-in?!?