Hot Rats

Anyone here love Frank? He's a musical genius!


I don't have Hot Rats, but I have Frank's classics - Overnite Sensation and Apostrophe, and The Mothers of Invenstion "Freak Out" (LP reissues). I love them since my childhood.

Lucky to have seen him three times in concert.  Was listening to Brunt Weeny Sandwich just a couple weeks back.  One of my all time favorites of his.  Too many great works to pick just one.  

His levelheaded, televised evisceration of Tipper’s PMRC inanity was a wonder to behold.

I don’t think he would have minded what we thought of him as long as it was honest.….

i finally couldn’t stand it and bought the Complete Hot Rats Sessions box….it IS occasionally excessive…but so was he….and I seriously doubt we’d be hearing it if he was still alive. RIP