Cartridge Loading for a phono pre amp


I have recently acquired a phono pre amp recommended by Michael Fremer.  It is “THE VINYL”, from QHW audio, Spain.  It got a great review.  I have a Benz Micro Glider rated at 1.1MV.  I have no idea how to set the dip switches for MC Load impedance for this cartridge. The options I have are as follows: 47K, 1K, 560R, 470R, 100R, and 47R.  I have a solid state amp and pre-amp, and also have a sub that I use, rarely.

Any advice would be most appreciated!!


Dear @wynpalmer4  :  Thank's to came to post here because y pasted what you posted several years ago in the subject that the " stifness in cantrilever " could have effects on HF tracking in the cartridge due to loading.


Here imhifiman and me made direct tests in our own systems with the same cartridges and after made changes in cartridge loading we detected no single difference exactly as you posted years ago about your Madake.


By coincidence and after all your evidence after all those years the same person, as in this thread, followed posting what he can't prove in any way.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


Dear friends : For some of you that read for the first time the Wyn posts here next I paste what he posted several years ago in other cartridge loading thread:


"" No, I did not design the AD797. That was Scott Wurcer- a colleague at ADI and, incidentally, for whatever it’s worth, also an ADI design fellow. However, I know the design quite well.
He and I were colleagues in the opamp group in the 80s. He focused on high performance relatively low frequency opamps such as the AD712 and then the AD797, amongst others.
I focused on high performance high speed amps like the AD843, 845 (at one point an audio darling), 846 (also a transimpedance design with some very interesting design aspects that I gave an ISSCC paper on) etc. etc. mostly using a complementary bipolar process that I helped develop that I believe was also used in the AD797. I also did things like designing the FET based AD736/737 RMS-DC converter and others.
I moved on to more RF, disk drive read/write, GSM, CDMA etc. transceivers, signal processing, PLL and DSP designs. ""


and here somerthing that he forgot to mention and that comes in that " old " thread that shows that that " myth " of tracking problems due to cartridge loading changes is a lie and nothing more:


""" heavy resistive loading you state could be definitively true- certainly not on tracking which is demonstrably false based on IM tests on tracking performance that I have incidentally performed as a function of load. While mechanical impact does occur as a result of electrical load- there is some back emf necessarily generated by the signal current that affects the mechanical motion, but a quick back of the envelope calculation using Lenz’s law and the 10uH cartridge suggests a 2 orders of magnitude difference between the generated signal and the back EMF for a 100 ohm load at 20kHz- certainly not enough to cause tracking issues. """




Thanks to all you know-it-alls for hijacking my original post. You were all too busy with your science and your theories  and your opinions and your nasty behavior.  I had not posted anything on  the forums for many years.  And I came back on with a simple cartridge/preamp loading question and this thread turned into a flamming pile.  


Everybody have a nice day.  NOT.

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