Ridiculous sale

Somebody is selling a Decware that sells at 2600 $ direct from the manufacturer for 4500 $ citing tha t you can pay that if you want to wait a year. This is a disgrace in Audiogon. Also TMR sales require you to go to their website and look for the product for information. Unfortunately the hobbiest mentality that predominated Audiogon Is being replaced by these dry, unfear actions and styles. What a shame.


Apparently TMR is in the “profit” game.

Quit a revealing comment. Perish the thought that a business would like to make some money. Jesus Christ dude.

Look. TMR has a great website, a slew of employees, a brick-and-mortar store, a dedicated shipping department (whose thoroughness of packing is among the best I’ve experienced), and all kinds of other overhead. Despite that, I’d say that 80 percent of the time, TMR offers very good value on both new and used gear. Across easily half a dozen transactions over the past 18 months, they’ve treated me right every time — with courtesy and integrity.

Here’s an example: When I bought an older Krell amp from TMR that had a single non-functioning LED (this might have occurred in transit), TMR apologized and paid for me to ship it back for repair. Then they not only replaced the faulty LED but the other two as well. Why? Because, the head of service explained, they wanted the shade of blue of all LEDs to match exactly. From where I sit, that’s astounding customer service.

Oh, and when I shipped them a tube amp recently that they agreed to pay a fair price for, I included an extra set of tubes as part of the deal, and packed them in such a way that two of them unfortunately shattered. My fault! But TMR insisted on still paying me the agreed-upon price...despite my offering (twice) to be responsible for the damage.

Your complaint is puzzling and unseemly.

(BTW, I have no affiliation with TMR, other than being a satisfied customer.)

"Apparently TMR is in the “profit” game."

- Interesting concept for a successful business huh?

"I do like it’s website.  Pretty pictures.  Use it as a catalog and then find the product elsewhere."

- So, you are complaining about them making a profit, yet you are making use of their offerings for free? What a guy ...





Earning money what a concept. Running a profitable business that creates jobs, what a concept.


Hey, I am going to say that TMR is a class outfit, and my experience with them has been great.


BTW, try to buy a car lately? Used cars like a 2020 Civic are $10K more than they would have been prepandemic.

A scumbag is the guy that sells gallons of water for $10.00 in a hurricane zone. A guy that TRIES to sell an amp for a profit taking advantage of lack of supply not so much. Water is a need, an amp not hardly. If he gets the price he is asking, well, he had a good day. Regarding TMR, they pay for that advertising space. They can do what they want.