Sophia Electric is not honest

Sophia Electric tries to portray itself as an American company. As far as I know everything is made in China including their amps and tubes. Be careful in dealing with Sue as she often is less than truthful. Has anyone else had bad dealings with these people?
I bought their 274b mesh and it fell apart. I was pulling it out with two hands and the glass bulb sperated from the base the leads came out of the pin sockets with out breaking. Tube is few months old with 20 hours on it. I went on rave reviews and recommendation from Woo. Well Sophia won't helpe so Woo is going to fix it for $50. I would but have no clue which lead goes into each socket. If these are just FullMusic tubes better to buy direct. Obviously the process of picking the best tubes by some engineers didn't work out in my case. 
Will not get Chinese made gear NEVER!!

There is China in your gear now.

Sofia Electric  the most unbelievable crap ever....lie cheat me !!!

I hate headlines as the Op posted.  Why not just say....thoughts on Sophia Electric.  In essence, you are pronouncing them guilty without stating specific dishonest actions.  People love to pounce on Audiogon.  

Back about fourteen or fifteen years ago I bought a used Sophia Baby Electric from an executive of Sophia who told me he was selling it because he had it in his office system, and he had received a promotion within the company which necessitated him moving back to China. That made it pretty clear this was a Chinese company. I still have the amp and it works well in a secondary basement system.