Tuner choice

I know no one is interested in tuners given streaming etc and on and on, but I moved to a place with some excellent radio stations and I think having a tuner would work for me. I got one for free from my brother, a 70s vintage Dynaco kit and it seemed to warm up over time without any repairs etc. although the light is out and gauge doesn’t seem to work. Muting is not functioning but once on a station it brings in some pleasant sound.
On the other hand, I see old units on eBay that are low cost, some say tested, mint condition, etc. so would it be worth a couple hundred dollars to have a different tuner? Or is the Dynakit not a bad vintage tuner and if it’s working, I’d be smart to stick with it? Any suggestions for replacements worth the change?



With regard to @harrylavo 's post, depending on your location and desired stations to be tuned in; besides sensitivity, selectivity can be an important spec consideration

I was listening to some Pink Floyd on a local classic rock station on the Accuphase T101 (modified) that I mentioned previously. I was listening on my RAAL SR1a headphones. I was so shocked at how good it sounded that I had to listen to the same track on Qobuz to compare with the streaming version.

That  40 year old Accuphase is incredible and available on A'gon.

Unsound, I agree that selectivity is an important spec, although frankly it was more important in the past than it is now due to advances in technology  ..... while sensitivity in most tuner gear today is less than it was in the distant past (when FM stations were fewer and further apart.).  Ultimately, however, the tuner is a piece of hi-fi gear and needs to be evaluated as is any other source component.

I got 4 tuners. 2 70's models that were refurbished and 1 from the 90's and 1 brand new ($7000) from last year. If I had know better I would not have spent the $7K and used only the 70's tuners I had. Though the only reason I got the 70's tuners (also last year) was because the $7K model wounded so good and I wanted a tuner for all my systems. The $7K model is the best but the others are so close.

Certain Vintage tuners sound incredible. The best value in my audio purchases.