OK, so seriously, what is up with TMR's pricing here??

I'm not saying it's high or low, though I've read here that they're over-priced.  I'm talking about the number of the price itself.  Examples:

speakers:  $1008.00

pre-amp:  $504.00

pre-pro:  $1310.00

speakers:  $6644.00

speakers:  $2846.00

music server:  $351.00 ( this has to be my favorite)  What's with the $1.00?

turntable:  $2017.00  (17 bucks, really?)

DAC:  $382.00

monoblocks:  $5219.00

You get the idea...It's just weird man. 


There's a lot of economic psych work done on pricing schemes.  If I were smarter I could elaborate, but alas...

I think TMR starts at a 'normal' price (say $999) and then discounts it a certain percent as time goes on. That is how you get the odd pricing.

Yeah, everything should end in 99 or 99.99.   who's hooting who?  Ring that bell, Pavlov!

Who really cares what the pricing strategy is as long as it is fair and the service is great? 

Wish more retailers would go to a similar mode and move away from MAP pricing.