The sound quality from DACs - is it all the same?

I've been talking to my cousin brother about sound quality. He is a self-proclaimed expert audiophile. He says that Audio Science Review has all of the answers I will need regarding audio products.

In particular, he says an inexpensive DAC from any Chinese company will do better than the expensive stuff. He says fancy audio gear is a waste of money because the data is already bit-perfect.  All DAC chips sound the same. Am I being mislead? 

He also said that any DAC over $400 is a waste of money. Convincing marketing is at play here, he says.

He currently owns a Topping L30 headphone amplifier and D30 Pro DAC. He uses Sennheiser HD 569 headphones to listen to music.  I'm not sure what to think of them. I will report my findings after listening one day! (likely soon, once I get some free time)

- Jack 




No problem Mahgister - I too remain open minded with regards some low cost items sounding very good in the right environment (hence why I purchased the SPS DAC3 but now finding that inadequate once you have listened to something like the AN 0.1x).

For example - go in the search for the rather plasticky looking very much under the radar Grundig V1700 and with the right speakers that amp is excellent beyond what you would have thought capable.

For example I connected an expensive dCS Network Bridge to the Audio Note 0.1x then for fun into a Grundig V1700 - the Grundig did not sound like a bottleneck!

It's another cheap option that you can play with perhaps.


You are perfectly right and i am conscious of the limitation of the SPS because my room is acoustically under my control and not only treated...

The SPS lack in the high range, it is less resolving thats all compared to many  very costly dac ...

My imaging, soundstage and LEV/ASW ratio are over the roof and under my control and this dac dont impede my acoustic at all..

But it is not a microscope...

Then even if the Audio Note will be better resolving i dont need it for cost reason and anyway if i bought it my old Sansui so good it is, should  be replaced and even my speakers would be not so much efficient now at the level of  this more resolving source...

i dont miss this potential  improvement at all, because there is a minimal objective  treshold od acoustic satisfaction  for what we call an audiophile experience acoustically and i enjoy this minimal experience so much now anyway , that any upgrade even for the better have no appeal....


But you are probably wrong about my Sansui AU 7700 sorry ... I dont bought it by chance... The Grundig V1700 will not beat it ....Sorry....😊 I even own a Sansui of the alpha series supposedly better ....If i wanted a real upgrade from these Sansui amplifiers  which are top FLEXIBLE  Sansui with separated amd-preamp section, with tone controls rivallling others, i must buy a ZOTL Berning tube amplifier and yes  i will beat the two amplifier i own at relatively low cost... But with your suggested new dac and this ZOTL  amplifier i will want to buy very costly speakers now, and to beat the Mission Cyrus 781 bass and beautiful sound with more resolving power guess how much money i will need to pay?

A big amount.... 😊

I am not in an  upgrade mood anymore after my ecoustic experiments in my dedicated audio room...I dont need to....I could not even use my 8 headphones now because they dont beat my system/room... Then ?

No problem Mahgister - I too remain open minded with regards some low cost items sounding very good in the right environment (hence why I purchased the SPS DAC3 but now finding that inadequate once you have listened to something like the AN 0.1x).

Oh no I didn't say the Grundig would be better than your Sansui - I was just lending another example of a low cost looking amp that can sound excellent.

But I will say with confidence that the AN DAC is so much better than the SPS DAC in every respect not just in detail alone but from top to bottom in everything that it does.

You don't have to strain your hearing to hear this huge jump in performance.

if you do get a chance to listen to one in your current system you may find that interesting. The performance of the digital front end is more important than the rest in my experience (garbage in garbage out).

I was speaking of the limitation of the SPS by itself for my ears in my room ..

I know that you are right about your dac ... I dont doubt it a second...And i thank you because it is interesting recommendation ....

Acoustic treatment and control are for me the most important factors in audio experience...And remember that a minimal threshold of quality exist and i have it already... 😊

"Garbage in and out"  is true, but being inferior for the SPS compared to the Audio Note dont means it is garbage in my room...

I know that you are respecful and i appreciated discussing with you.... And i really like your recommendation because the price is good and you alreay know the SPS...

Thanks very much my friend...

But I will say with confidence that the AN DAC is so much better than the SPS DAC in every respect not just in detail alone but from top to bottom in everything that it does.


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