Anyone hear the new Thiel 2.7 speakers at RMAF?

Any impressions from those who heard the Thiel 2.7s in Denver would be much appreciated. Thx
Yes I listened to them twice and felt they had a lot of potential. Denver Audio Designs had the room sounding quite good. I may audition them again someday at their store to get a better grip on their performance, in a better controlled enviroment. In short they seemed to be very smooth from top to bottom with no coloration jumping out at you. Personnally I think they pulled this off better than the CS3.7's did last year.
Theo...thx for the feedback. Do you remember what source, pre, and amp(s) were used with the 2.7s? Thx
Sorry but I don't for sure. I saw so many rooms and my venture this year was to hear speakers, and some turntables. And after so many room s and a couple weeks, certain details fade into the abyss of darkness AKA memory.
But I do remember the speakers performance as the guy that was with me and I kinda used them as a reference to a few of the speakers we heard after that room.