Anyone hear the new Thiel 2.7 speakers at RMAF?

Any impressions from those who heard the Thiel 2.7s in Denver would be much appreciated. Thx

Showing 4 responses by cmalak

Theo...thx for the feedback. Do you remember what source, pre, and amp(s) were used with the 2.7s? Thx
Thx Rgd. It looks like the 3.7 was demoed with Hegel. I found Stereophile's commentary on the 2.7 here:’s-new-cs27

It looks like the ancillary equipment was:

The CS2.7s were demmed with Aragon Iridium 400W monoblocks ($7998/pair), an Aragon Sound Stage digital preamp ($4499), an Arcam CD37 SACD/CD player ($2299), an Arcam FMJ D33 D/A processor, and Straight Wire Expressivo interconnects and speaker cables, and Straight Wire Blue Thunder AC cords. The sound of Ryan Adams’ “Dirty Rain” had extended lows, grain-free highs, and superbly stable, well-defined stereo imaging.
Jafant...would appreciate your thoughts/comments once you compare the 2.4SE to the 2.7. Thanks.