Vandersteen 7 and room treatment

My circumstances have changed in an unexpected way allowing purchase of a well, but gently, used pair of original 7's. (Also SOTA Sapphire with Ortophon Cadenza Blue in house and Supratek Cortese LCR on its way) I have a dedicated 15 x 20 room full of 14 various GIK traps and panels. Will using the EQ, contour and level settings allow me to get rid of some/all of the room treatment? Should I attempt initial setup with all/some of the panels in or out of the room? Anything to give me a head start short of trial and error. Nearest dealer is 400 miles away so on my own

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 the Vandersteen’s are still sitting on their pallets upstairs for the second week.


Good, let your ears take in the sound, then set up the Vandys. Dollars to donuts, I bet you'll never go back. Be sure to let us know your decision on the Forum.


Fellow NM here(Rio Rancho) and have Vandersteen Quatros in an ASC treated room. I started with the existing traps in place from the previous speakers that were in the same spots(Nola Viper 1AX). 1 half round behind and a bit to the outside of each speaker, 1 quarter round in rear corner, other rear corner is semi-open, and ASC panels center front wall, on the left wall, right wall and rear up by the ceilings. Speakers are 9" from the rear wall and slightly toed in to the listening seat  producing a very pronounced holographic soundfield. 

Dialing in the equalizers, bass levels and damping levels took no more than a day as the room response is pretty even and damped but not too much. I would start with a similar setup with your acoustic treatments and go from there. Feel free to PM me if you want, more than happy to help.

My son and I will be driving up through Tierra Amarilla

I’ve spent a bit of time up around TA.


Fellow NM here(Rio Rancho)

And the ex-FiL and I did a drive around Rio Rancho ~3 months ago.