First cd purchase

I was just wondering what our fellow audiogoners first cd purchase was and when. I believe mine was sometime in the late 80s and it was an opera RCA box set of Otello with Vickers,Rysanek,and Gobbi. And now its your time to tell us, what was your first cd purchase.
I think I bought like 6 disc's in 1987 when I got a Sony Walkman, somewhere around that time.
I know I bought Metalica "Ride the Lightening" but cant remember the others.
RUSH-Exit...Stage Left!
That was my FIRST CD purchase in
summer of 1987. The Rush CD`S were all released
in the Spring of 1987.
After that was the usual,
Moving Pictures, Signals, etc.
I got the first cd 2 days after I got my FIRST
Kenwood stereo rack with a seperate
power amp, pre-amp, tuner, cassette, turntable,
cd player, all for $999.99
I sold my 1200 LPs in 1988 and immediately went out and bought a Sony CD player and about 30 CDs, mostly ECM recordings.
My first cd purchase was in 1996. I purchased Republicas' self titled album. This band is euro-style dance-techno and their "hit single" was "Ready to go". Needless to say my musical tastes have grown since then but its still fun to play now and then. It actually sounds decent on my hif rig which was surprising when i listened to it again after a few year hiatus. I originally had a discman to play it on.