Technics SL 1200GR with What Cartridge???

I'm starting yet another thread on a similar topic, because I don't want to hi-jack someone else's thread, and I haven't found the answer to my question in other threads.

OK... I'm considering returning to vinyl for some of my listening and I need a Cliff's Notes version of what cartridges I might want to use.  

I've had a Linn Sondek LP12 for years, which I've barely used... but... it's been in storage.  As I recall it was pretty "finicky" and required a lot of attention to perform it's best (which was/is good).  I don't have enough patience anymore to deal with that, and am planning on moving to a Technics SL 1200GR, because it seems simple to operate, gets good reviews and doesn't seem to require a lot of attention. 

It appears that you can get great sound quality from the 1200GR with a good cartridge.  I'm just not sure what might be optimal / best for the money.

I also do not want to go crazy with esoteric cartridges that cost a mint.  My budget is probably in a range of... say... $300-400 to maybe $800-900 (if the cartridge is noticeably better than the more modestly priced cartridges).  

My Linn cartridge is a MM cartridge, I think (Basik or K9) in an Itok arm.  

That's about it.  

I'm not really interested in considering a lot of alternatives either in a turntable, or cartridges.  

Any guidance in this context would be appreciated.


I would add the AudioTechnica AT33SA to the list for consideration.

I run one on my 1200MK2 - very musical, tracks great, matches with the arm.

@bassdude  Actually, I just used the Technics cartridge jig on the Grado.  Took about 5 minutes!  Eventually I will do a proper alignment with my Feickert . Looks like it will be a little tricky but not impossible.  It sounds fine right now but will probably sound marginally better with a little work.

Timely thread. I have a GR and I run a Nagaoka MP150 with the 200 (boron cantilever) stylus. I think it sounds really good. That said I don’t have much of a field of reference. 

I’d like to go Art9 or maybe the AT33 as previously mentioned. I would recommend the Nags though 👍🏼 (I’d really like to experience more high end carts)

I have a 1200GR. I have used it with the Hana SL Mono, Hana ML, Denon 103R, some Grados, Miyajima, and others. Honestly it responds well to anything you throw at it. I always run the calcs on compliance, and the Miyajimas don’t look like they should work, but I never had an issue. It does use a removable headshell - so it you plan to switch carts you may want to avoid exotic stylus profiles. The Denon would be best in that case. I think the phono stage question is going to be a harder one to answer in this case. I use Bobs Device SUT 1:40 with the Denon, Icon Audio 1:10 with the Hana’s, and run into a Decware Phono Stage. 

You guys that have been using a variety of cartridges - which one(s) do you prefer?

I’ve been focused on Hana and Grado. The Hana, because it gets so many great reviews (as competing with much more expensive cartridges), and the Grado, because I’m a Grado fan (Grado everything), as well as the great reviews.

I’m unlikely to switch between cartridges for different music, because I prefer "all things acoustic" (jazz, classical, country, blues, etc.), and all stereo albums. I focus on clarity, detail resolution, controlled bass...

And... I’m committed to being practical (budget-wise) - will not chase perfection - especially, at the ridiculous prices for some turntables and cartridges - which are very difficult to believe!

I'd consider just getting my Linn Sondek LP12 out and having it serviced and set up - but, it would prolly cost me too much to justify doing that, even though it's like new.  I'm amazed at what they sell for now!  

Just my thoughts / focus right now...