Speaker cable solid and strand copper cable

I wonder if I could get better highs extension using a solid copper cable for the high frequencies speaker binding post, and strand wire for the bass frequencies speaker binding post, both 6 feet long, one with spades the other with bananas terminal ?


All electric signals travel through a wire at the same speed

Electricity does not travel through the wire from what I have been taught. It travels on the surface of the wire. Bigger gauge wire has more current carrying capability due to greater surface area. 186,000 miles/sec.

dc will travel through the core of the wire.

AC will move to the surface, depending on the delta involved in the given moment.

the molecular-interrelationship within the lattice of the given alloy or element, determines the ’resistance’ as we call it.

this then relates to the splitting into the two fields and their different ’orientations’ or values in the given calculation and observation. The ultimate end of the line logic domino... in that line of thought ....is that within superconductivity itself, time does not exist.

The calculations and formulas and ’laws’ are derived from observation and repeatability of observation. Observation is therefore, logically, ’king’ in science and cannot and will not ever be superseded by ’laws’ that don’t really exist. (this is where laypersons get confused and it can also be confusion in engineers, who were not taught this point, overall)

They are not really laws they are just theories with high level of repeatability and expectations in repeatability. We call them laws for the sake of convenience to not confuse people who think linearly and not laterally. Hint, the vast majority of people think linearly. They are wrong about science law, horrendously so, but we have to let that go, as they get violent when confronted about it - not logical.

All that be as it may, the rate of propagation, in an alloy or element bulk lattice, is tied to the interaction of the material’s electrons under motive differential.

But wait..there’s more..much much more....

I was gonna say that..  In my dreams. :-)

Thanks that was a great piece of information, that I understood.. 

You must be a REAL teacher. It's rare that people explain and keep my interest. Wonderful!

Martin Logan 60XTi.  Crescendo3 speaker cable.  Audiosensibility Jumper. Hegel H190. Panasonic DP UB9000.  REGA RP6.  DV20X2L. Clearaudio Basic+.  Suspended floor, no rug, Cathedral Panel, some pillow below the front wall.

Pure silver is the best. But for only 6 feet I doubt you will hear a difference