Best Server To Run Roon Core

Hi Folks,

I don’t currently run ROON, but would like to begin correctly in order to give it a chance - and I understand that server (hardware) on which Roon core is installed is important for SQ (due to noise reduction and other factors).

What are the best hardware for SQ and usability where ROON core should be installed and why (be it audiophile dedicated servers or modified PCs)? Please comment on the rest of your setup for context if you could.

Thank you in advance.

Ag insider logo xs@2xjmarshak

I briefly used USB from a Mini to an Oppo 205 with balanced analog to a pair of Parasound JC 1 monoblocks. Then I switched to USB from the Mini to an Ayre QB-9 DSD DAC with balanced analog through an Ayre K-5xeMP preamp to the JC 1s. A big jump in sound quality came with replacing the Oppo with the Ayre DAC and preamp. I added an ultraRendu with LPS 1.2 that sends USB to the Ayre DAC on the hunch that Roon finds devices connected to the Ethernet more reliably. Roon always finds the ultraRendu, but often didn’t find the Ayre DAC.



nice post. marked.

thanks for all folks.


i am planning to buy d DIY Fanless mini PC with 

i7 8550

32GB ram

128GB storage 

to run roon core.

Glad to hear. That’s an excellent option to start with. Works for me wonderfully.

I have tried a couple of Linear Power Supplies (LPS) and other tweaks with my NUC and have been really impressed with even the USB connection SQ to the DAC The Farad 3 LPS with their level 2-silver DC cable is found to be an especially excellent match. My friend and I also perform several isolation options inside which help as well. Scary satisfying sound coming out of the modified NUCs with our DACs, overall very pleasantly surprised.

“Scary satisfying sound coming out of the modified NUCs with our DACs,”


I bet your $20K DAC w/Roon end point has lot to do with the scary satisfying sound 😉

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