Pass Labs INT-25 or equivalent in another brand

I’m interested in a Pass INT-25. I want to try a class A amp but I’m open to A/B. I currently have a push/pull tube amp and run Klipsch Heresy IV speakers. thoughts?


I have an INT-25 and the two best features are the sound (I have a funny feeling you've read all the reviews - imo they are correct) and the fact that it's made in the USA.  If you are ok with the simplicity of design it's wonderful.  The biggest "problem" I have with it is that it does take a good while to warm up to sound it's best; maybe an hour or so.  

@travisg Congrats! Let us know how it sounds.
@steveashe is right on with the note on warm up. It should sound great right out of the gate but give it 24hrs after the first day then about an hour thereafter to warm up. Pass amps are awesome and their customer service is top notch.


I wouldn’t worry about that too much. You can listen to it and hear it improve. It will be great from the moment you plug it in though…I’m pretty certain of that. 



Good advice. But I have a real hard time not drawing conclusions from listening to a new piece of equipment… and can be disappointed… I know I shouldn’t draw conclusions… but I do. So, it can be safer to wait… but you have to put a signal through it while breaking in.


More than once I have been so anxious to hear my new piece of equipment and thought, “it sounds OK”… not what I was hopping for… depressing. Then after 150 hours, hearing it greatly improve… and really being upset with myself… I know better than this… once again forgetting how important breakin is.