Subwoofer Choice Question SVS, Majico, JL Audio, REL

I have a pair of SVS-3000 subs. I have enjoyed them and they offer  a lot of bang for the buck.  I recently purchased a pair of the Fleetwood Devilles which I like very much.  Looking to upgrade my subs to match really well with my Devilles. Will be used for 2 channel music only. Want musical and  articulate bass that enhances and integrates well with the Devilles.  

Options are :

(1) SVS only this time going to the SVS-4000. Relatively inexpensive and I love their setup app.

(2) Magico A3Sub-built like  a tank, expensive though I can get a reasonable deal on  a pair and Magico will assist with the setup through REW

(3) JL Audio Fathom F112 or 113 V2- Good bang for the buck, lots of fine tuning available

(4) Rel (any of their carbon based subs)-Biggest concern is no phase adjustment. I am limited to where the subs can go so don't understand why they provide no variable phase adjustment.

Thoughts and comments welcome.




Thanks all for the posts. Helpful indeed. m-db I've had the SVS-3000's for a couple of years and have some familiarity with REW though far from an expert. Wish there was a book REW for dummies! I'm leaning toward the Magico Asubs but there are no dials. All software controlled with built in DSP through their software and REW. Anyone have experience with Magico Subs??

Seaton sound Submersive HP 

Wasn't one of the OP choices but if you are looking for a marked improvement you are going to need to consider a high end sub.

Whatever you end up with I recommend sticking with something with DSP.Or just add a third sub of your choice to the two existing SVS.Dialing in the Q,setting the slope,and controlling the room modes are vital to fine tuning.