What's Your Favorite Vinyl That Never Made It To CD or Digital?

When cd's entered the marketplace as a new way to listen to music, I immediately started to buy a cd copy of my favorite vinyl when it became available.  Alas, a lot of my favorite vinyl never made its way to cd or digital in any form.

'How Will I Remember You'   by Lorez Alexandria

'Genetic Walk'   by Ahmad Jamal

'The Mysterious Flying Orchestra'   by The Mysterious Flying Orchestra



Received the box set this afternoon and the first two (all are remastered) disks sound really, really good.




…wow, that was fast!  I’m glad it worked out for you.

An Audiogon member, stuartk, turned me on to Discogs in another post I’d made about out of print cd’s.  Because of him, I was able to find about a half dozen discs that I was sure I’d never see again…all at great prices.  So you see why I was obligated to turn you on…now it’s your turn to pass the word to the next soul looking for his hard to find music.