Why is most everything remastered?

It's becoming more and more difficult to find what sound signature was originally meant by the artist. I have examples that sound terrible after remastering. I understand why it has to be this way, If and only it improves the original, if not... leave it alone!


for many remastered is a marketing bait. that’s why. otherwise it’s literally nothing unless the original mastering is crap, but regardless, for some reason, the crappy original mastering is often more desirable than remastered and so on...

og triangle issue of DSOM sounds better than any audiophile remastered versions including UHQR.

I was fooled by the marketing bait into buying remastered CDs. After continually being disappointed by these ruined albums, I now buy only original pressings. Early Redbook CDs are what the albums are supposed to sound like. 

I think it's a mistake to assume the original masters were intended by the artists.  In the great majority of cases, artists had little to no control over such things.  Record companies did.

@trentmemphis , that's true. The music business is very different today where you have mega stars having final say over their music..."use more Auto-Tune and add more compression."


In the past, the engineer and producer would record and mix the tracks and create a master. Before a record was cut, a mastering engineer would do his thing, then a test pressing was sent to a record label exec who would give final approval.