Schiit Freya + Class A in Stereophile

I know there are a lot of audiophiles who don't think sterophile knows what they are talking about but I think its' pretty impressive that a 1000 preamp is put in the same category as 50K and up.  I can't really believe that the Freya + is that good.  I have one and do think it's pretty amazing for all that you get and you can really make it even better with some better tubes.  I am constantly blown away at the sound of the Freya + into the Decware Zen triode amp. 2K for the combo and just about the best sound I have ever had in my home.  Great news for less well heeled audiophiles.  


Stereophile also put the Exposure 2010S integrated in Class A. I own one and I‘m an Exposure fanboy, and it‘s a POS.

The musical fidelity v90 dac was reviewed in Stereophile and was placed in the class A category as well. It is $299! I own 2 , one as a back up as it is now unavailable.  I think it is an Outstanding product.

I have a Freya+ and like it a lot. Did have to send it in for repair once, though.

After trying both JJ and Tung Sol tubes I noticed it doesn't have the utmost high or low-end frequency extension when compared to my PS Audio GCP-200 preamp. Mid-range is great but some times you want it all... the Freya+ is not Class A in my eyes but an overachiever... just don't compare it against something better or your bubble will burst. Just an opinion.

Anyway, the Freya+ is a keeper for me. 


Ive replaced the freya with a rogue RP 7 and at first I was hugely disappointed and put the freya back in, but now have the rouge in place for  several months and will remove it in April and go back with the freya plus, to really compare these two. At five times the price I would've thought the rouge would've shamed the freya.

@brunomarcs I have intended doing just the same, upgrading from Freya+ to the RP-7 or even the RP-9. Though I am not sure the dealer's trial period really allows enough time for a full A/B workout. Sounds like you have bought the Rogue for better or worse, so please report when trial is finished including what tubes you consider optimal for the Freya.