Why this forum deletes full threads ?

Can anyone explain why the administrators of this forum deleted the “users with hidden agendas? 

Post removed 

Uh probably because it's the right thing to do as so many feel it's appropriate to post their political and religious views here when its clearly not the right site for this stuff?  


Probably because many of us don't want to be bombarded with other peoples  agendas of promoting their politics into an audio gear related forum.

And no, they shouldn't have the "right" to post anything they want anywhere they want just because they're used to posting all over the web all day. 


It seem to me that people jealous guys that have pretty lady fast car nice system. I confident when I bench 400 at the gym that lady come over start conversation all time. When guy will beer belly curl in corner with shoulder down he get no action. Same in audio world when you have system that get lady people start having problem.