Moderation/Censorship Poll and surely more...


I'm here over 8 years and back then, I think the moderation guidelines were much lighter than today.  I think it's okay to have all foolish posts of ebm instead of removing part of them IMHO. 

Having that as a fact would you like to

A) Leave it same way?

B) Bring more rules?

C) Decrease rules?




There is a crisis now in the world , it is a spiritual crisis, not a crisis about races, history and ideologies...It is not even about war, all wars are prepared by power brokers anyway...

For those of us who can see it...

Then in the midst of this crisis, thinking is imperative..

But thinking is possible when we are free of the past hating history....

Hate cannot understand history anyway but only use it...

Hate is dumbing us all...

Hate is like masturbation, a loosing and desesperate meaningless gesture condi tioned by the absence of love and porn marketing...



Nowadays it is of the utmost importance to think..

Separating people in good people and evil one is easy, anyone can do that...

But thinking is beyond hate and tactic to be the winner...

Thinking is the way to free ourself...






Post removed 



7,362 posts

There is a crisis now in the world , it is a spiritual crisis, not a crisis about races, history and ideologies...It is not even about war,"

I usually, typically, and normally hold mahgister in the highest respect, admiration, and esteem, but on this issue and matter I must disagree and politely object.


This is a crisis of war no matter what some might say there are dead and dying the cost is so high it can not be calculated it is a disastor.

Post removed 


Is it possible for you to stop posting for a while? Kiss your wife, pet your dog, enjoy life!
