audible illusions vs supratek, vs holoaudio vs backert

starting to re-build a system and thought I'd start with some well known budget pre-amps that are supposed to punch above their weight.  i will be playing rock cd's only through atma-sphere m60's.  speakers and cd player are still TBD.  any thoughts/comparisons on these brands.  Obviously the supratek and holo are cheaper, but still wouldn't mind some overall feedback as I have never listened to any of them.


I also own the M-60s, and ran through the following preamps:

  1. Modwright LS-100
  2. Decware CSP-3
  3. Don Sachs Model 2
  4. LTA MZ2-S

All of those were great and my favorite by a small margin was the LTA, until I found an Atma-Sphere MP-3 for under $3K, and it was game over. They're a stunning combo, as you would expect.

I'm guessing all the preamps you mentioned will sound really good too, but always keep your eye out for an MP-3. I waited years to find the right deal on one, but it was totally worth it.

@armstrod The MP-3 and MZ2 are two pres high on my list (the MZ2 would also become my headphone amp) and would really love to hear your thoughts on their sonic differences.  Thanks!