Why don't you like Mageplanar speakers?

Popular as they are, some serious listeners do not like the sound of Magnepans.
If you are one of these, why not tell us what you don't like about them?
I`ve heard maggies many times over a 20 year period, most recently the 1.7 and 3.7(have`nt heard the 20.7 model). As I`ve said I like them but don`t love them, there`re other speakers I`d prefer that`s all.If they suit your needs then that`s all that matters.
I realize there`re components and speakers I simply adore that you or others may not care for much at all.

We all recognize this is pure subjectivity, nothing more or less.What J. Valin hears has no bearing on my own experiences i.e. different ears and preferences.
Best Regards,
Maggies have a peculiar mix of strengths and weaknesses...they do a phenominal job on vocals, acoustic guitars, small jazz ensembles...i only encountered their shortcomings when i put on some Marley...dissapointing to say the least...but if you can work with their quirks...there are riches to behold.
couldn't live with bass and didn't want to add a sub. Then got into DIY and have never looked back. I thought build quality per dollar was lacking.
Doug, as you say, all speakers have shortcomings. I think JV summed up very well what I and many others have always loved about Maggies. But I don't think anyone would suggest that dynamics can't go deeper, that horns don't have better dynamics, or that stats don't have better midrange clarity.

My point was that judging by the comments, some people aren't familiar with what large planars, fully powered and properly set up, can do, e.g., the Tympanis or the big Apogees. A friend measures SPL's of over 120 dB in his listening seat with his Tympani IV's, which are good down to 30 Hz (he has 2500 watts on the bass panels). These are planars that really can rock out, and have bass extension that would be the envy of all but the very largest dynamics.

Also, most of the people I know who have the smaller single panel Maggies use subs, as you would with a smaller dynamic.
Charles1dad, I completely agree with your comment about J. Valin's opinion having no bearing on your own experiences. Reviewers' opinions do not impress me that much; they have their own tastes in sound, and their systems are different than yours. However, a review may spark my interest in product if I have similar taste as the reviewer.

That being said, I don't like Maggies with true ribbon tweeters (3 and 20 series) because of the discontinuity between the ribbon and planar magnetic drivers, even the new 3.7s. Otherwise, I think the big Maggies are great provided you have a big powerful amp, preferably tube.