Tannoy anyone? Cheviot Legacy vs. Stirling GR

Good Morning and happy holidays,

Having just spent a day over at my friend's new listening shack/man cave with my Leben driving his Tannoy Stirlings, I fell in love and am thinking I might just need a pair myself. So, I could use a little help deciding between the Stirling GR's and Cheviot Legacy's and am curious if any of you have experience with both and what you hear/feel is the difference between the two.

If it helps, I listen to a pretty wide variety - mostly singer songwriter, alt country, some classic rock and jazz. A little hiphop, no metal and very little classical.

Thanks in advance for your insights.




Tannoy or Music Tribe won't disclose where Tannoys have been made for the last 15 months, one user on the forum was just directed to Tannoy history, which tells you nothing since 2017. Many suspect production moved to China. Interesting that that dealers in the US have such old stock.  

How hard it figure out what going on with company? Do I need call friend in Parliament? He have linn system but maybe help. Nobody call guy in California that bring speaker to America? My guy task done for good bottle tequila.

So, I took the plunge and my Stirlings were built in 10/21. The expressly claim to have been "designed, engineered and manufactured in the United Kingdom." I made that a specific part of my request. That said, I'm a little paranoid over that. Before buying them, I took my Leben CS600 and cabling to a friends with the same speakers built in 2018 and it sounded pretty glorious!

Mine have maybe 75 hours on them and are still squawking away even with the treble energy dialed as far down as they can get. Also, wiring them to the LF and jumped to the HF helped a good bit. The distortion is definitely bie present on everything  mildly improved, but disappoint on most and verging on unlistenable with many.  That also lends to them not feeling well integrated across the spectrum with the midrange getting shortshrift.

Can anyone (@veerossi ) offer experience on approximate time to get broken in and how far behind the nagging tweeter might be from the bigger diaphragm? And whether my experience is similar to theirs? 

Once the ice and snow's cleared a bit, I could take my Stirling to my friend's digs to compare and contrast, too, I suppose....

hang in there Budburma they'll settle in.  Mine (new Stirlings 2019) took awhile to mellow out and become expansive but I swear they keep getting better all the time.  Congrats on a great choice you won't regret it.  

@pehare oooooohhhkaaayyy, then. thanks. I have some hologram ii biwire on the way, too, that may warm things up a bit. Sometimes patience is more of a virgin around here than a virtue.

The dealer in Canada tells me 250-400 hours. my wife tells me if I don't it down at night....well, you know. I'll keep playing them a much as I can.

I"m confident in knowing what I heard with my friend' was absolutely what I was looking for and sold my Devore Super Nines based on that.

A bigger house with room for two system would make the wait easier! Simaudio W5.3SE/Supratek Cortese/Dynaudio Confidence 3 please. A boy must have his dreams....