Am I a hopeless audio snob?

I think that I may have a problem, I am becoming an audio snob.  

I am going to upgrade my turntable and spend some good money. I read good things about Technics turntables but for some reason I can't take them seriously. From a few feet away, a $4000 Technics plus rig looks like a $400 Technics rig. They look cheesy to me. Low tech 1980's stuff.

I am plunking down some serious money on my next table, but I can't even consider Technics because of the looks. 

I think that I need help!


The newer Technics tt's certainly have strong visual connection to the cheaper DJ tt's.

The SP line is another tt altogether, visual appearance up to user, many routes with custom plinths such as mine.


And I prefer my SP MKII to VPI I formerly owned, both visually and performance wise.

I have had a number of good tts in my system through the years, including the SOTA Star Sapphire, SOTA Cosmos, Teres, and finally a hotroded Technics SP 10 mk II.  You're going to buy the table that you like but don't rule things out that really deserve a listen. 

You can see my Technics setup in My System. It was better than anything I had earlier and not by a little bit. You can, to a point make it look however you want, but the sonic strengths of it are worth whatever limitation you see in the cosmetics. 

Technics new tables are excellent. Especially for the cash.

Wont win you the envy of friends and local audiophiles though.

Consider me a convert! I had a chance to hear a SL-1200G-S and it is very nice indeed. My apologies for the manner in which I started this thread, but I sure did get some good feedback. 

I have an old JVC QL-F6 which looks just like the Japanese DDs everyone loves to despise. Only thing is it‘s a stonking good tt that has left a few jaws on the floor. It‘s real fun to see the look of revulsion turn into a WTF?