Am I a hopeless audio snob?

I think that I may have a problem, I am becoming an audio snob.  

I am going to upgrade my turntable and spend some good money. I read good things about Technics turntables but for some reason I can't take them seriously. From a few feet away, a $4000 Technics plus rig looks like a $400 Technics rig. They look cheesy to me. Low tech 1980's stuff.

I am plunking down some serious money on my next table, but I can't even consider Technics because of the looks. 

I think that I need help!


Showing 1 response by nrchy

I have had a number of good tts in my system through the years, including the SOTA Star Sapphire, SOTA Cosmos, Teres, and finally a hotroded Technics SP 10 mk II.  You're going to buy the table that you like but don't rule things out that really deserve a listen. 

You can see my Technics setup in My System. It was better than anything I had earlier and not by a little bit. You can, to a point make it look however you want, but the sonic strengths of it are worth whatever limitation you see in the cosmetics.