BIG difference Tidal vs Amazon Music

I read an interesting article on Van Halen‘s Blood and Fire was done with a stereo guitar and I wanted to check it out. So I look for the song on both Tidal and Amazon music and OMG what a difference in sound quality between the two.  What gives? Both say CD quality but there’s NO COMPARISON!


What a minute! Are you saying Tidal sound quality was lower just on that one track? That could easily be attributed to the master that is being provided by the streaming provider.

What is your overall opinion of the sound quality of Tidal vs. Amazon Music?

I recently switched my digital cable between my streamer and my DAC, from a mid-level cable to the top of the companies lineup. What a difference, contrary to what people say, the digital cable plays a big part. I stream Tidal, And everything sounds better now.

I tested Prime for 3 months.

It was OK.

Sound quality was a little uneven from album to album, but mostly OK.

I found Tidal to be more consistent and was as good or better than Prime most of the time.

Two larger factors included:

1. Tidal connect integrates better with my Node streamer.

2. On Prime, a number of my favorite albums simply did not play on the me faint static crackling sound and no music what so ever.

I tried the 3 month trial from Tidal. HiFi for 6 weeks and HiFi plus for the remaining 6 weeks. At the end I subscribed the the HiFi plan...had no use for MQA. I’ve been very happy with the HiFi plan.



I use Amazon Music steaming through a Node 2i and have rarely had an issue with the sound quality. They have a mix of CD quality and hi res quality up to 24/192 in their library and am usually satisfied with most of what I listen to.

I haven't had an issue connecting to the Node 2i through the Bluesound app or directly from the Amazon Music app using an iPhone or iPad.

I have never used Tidal so cannot comment on a comparison between the two.