High end cartridge

I post similar question in other forum, but didn’t get help I need.

I want buy high end cartridge to replace my old one, I have very little experience with cartridges, only entry level of Ortofon, Denon, and Shelter, the last two brands I didn’t like them. So I like ask folks here who have great experience with cartridges, and with VPI FB Gimbal tonearm.


I’m concern very much about SQ differentials, I like full body sound, live, punch, authority, and neutral. My first choice will be Ortofon Cadenza black, but before go for it, I want check other brands for better alternative.


I see many people go for Lyra or Dynavector, I’m aware they are high end, but I have doubt the sound charastric of these cartridges not close to what I want, but more similar to Denon, and Shelter.


I wonder if my assumptions are correct?


And about Soundsmith, Benz, Van Den Hul, how good are these? And compare to Ortofon?


And will be other brands worth to check?


Thanks to all.


Dear @phantom_av  : Do you already own or listen the Xquisite?


In the other side the OP budget is 3K.



I have one Xqusite mounted to my table, by far one of the best carts iv heard.

The logistics of comparing cartridges is very difficult, and the uncontrolled variables are numerous. This makes cross platform comparisons subject to 'YMMV'. That said, my most recent experiences on the VPI Prime Scout platform with the JMW 10.5 epoxy printed unipivot arm are limited to these: The Grado Sonata 3 hummed unacceptably regardless the grounding scheme i used. I exchanged that for a Hana SH which I mounted and calibrated. And while there are those that disparage unipivot arms, I like the basic concept and simplicity as well as the lack of bearing chatter and binding that trouble gimballed arms. Once properly aligned and calibrated, the Hana is an extraordinary performer. In choosing the SH high(er) output I simplify the signal chain and eliminate a second set of cables, all worthy goals in my book. The Hana itself I find to be very neutral, very dynamic, and and ex cellent tracker. While I'm not normally a big fan of Shibata styli, I realized that the 'tizzy' HF characteristics were in large eliminated when a longer arm was used. the10.5 in my arm's name refers to the 10.5" nominal length, a full 2" longer than the arms used on Pro-Ject tablesand1.2" longer that the otherwise great Rega RB330. The geometry is simple - longer arms have less tracking error. The Hana SH in a longer arm is simply a great cart at a very reasonable price. Are the Koetsu/Lyra/Clearaudio at 5X to 10X and more that much better? Not to me. In audio, as in many things in life, the first 90% costs the first 90% of the budget, the next 9% costs the next 90% and the last 1 % the next 90%. It is not a value question with a linear improvement, it is an S-shaped curve and above the upper knee, it takes a lot of input ($$$) for increasing small gains in output quality. Same with wine, same with cars.