Any bad experience with wilson audio sasha w/p?

Sorry for the question, but I have been hearing good reviews about wilson audio sasha w/p. I am actually convinced to try a new set but hope I can get the negative side so I can come out with a decision that I will not regret in the future.
I have never been a Wilson fan, but had a powerful lesson why recently at a small show in England. I entered the room and the Sashas were being driven by a large Krell stereo amp, I am not sure which. Brittle, edgy, hard and quite unpleasant sound. I was just about to run out screaming, when the amp was changed to an Audio research reference 150. What a difference, all the detail but smooth, fast, great soundstage, quite delightful. I believe Wilson's are voiced on ARC amps.
Thinking about it, I have always heard Wilson speakers on SS amps. My conclusion, they need tubes and maybe ARC are the best choice.
I have been about 6 times at clients with Wilson Audio speakers. they had one thing in common. They had a lot of acoustic problems. Some music you even could not play. They say Wilson make very fast speakers in respons. To be honest I don't think so. Wenn timing is better with speakers you get less acoustic problems. I sold my Pass Labs XA100.5 to a client with Puppy 7 speakers. To be honest it was quite good. Most times I listend to Wilson speakers I would not even want them for free in my room. Because I prefer en deeper and wider stage first. And second instruments and voices need to be extreemly sharp focussed and in the right proportion. This is a part were Wilson is not as it's best. With many amps Wilson speakers sound lean and far from musical. And yess then you need tube to make it sound acceptable.
There are many solid state amps that sound great with Sashas. I do not agree that they have to be super expensive - Cary SA-200.2, which costs $4000, sounds absolutely amazing with Sashas.

The key is to get an amp that sounds smooth. It doesn't have to be a tube amp, although tube amps in general sound smoother than SS ones. The Sashas tweeter is so revealing, that it will let you instantly know about any problems upstream. Get everything right (which includes the front end) and there are a few speakers, irrespective of price, that will sound better.
Reading through this thread really brought back memories for me. Comments about how Wilson's, in this case the Sasha, require careful placement/tube amps/just the right cables/room treatment, etc., in order to sound good. These are identical to what owners have been saying about WP's for years.

With my WP's if everything was just so, including the recording, they were absolutely fantastic. But, ultimately I decided that they emphasized flaws to the detriment of my musical enjoyment.
Wilson owners have to have the resources to correct any and all anomalies in their room and equipement in order to get the best results. David Wilson was a recording engineer and his entry into home audio came as a result of developing studio monitors (the WATT) that laid everything bare. many at the time felt that he had come upon a new level of transparency that would let at least certain types of recorded music sound "live". consider however the deadness of a studio environment in playing back tapes. now consider the room you're going to put a pair of watt/puppies into...
I have a Wilson Audiophile CD i particularly like of organ music. my whole system seems to snap into focus and come to attention when listening to this recording, and "my speakers" even start to resemble the "Wilson Sound".
Like i said, David Wilson, engineer. the effect is just uncanny.