Which Tweeter preferred- dome natural material, Beryllium/Metal or Planar Ribbon? Why?

This is bugging me. Just as I think I have the

right answer it slips through my fingers. 


Let's not consider cost in this opinion poll.


For example-

Pick one of the types of tweeters

Choice- Planar Ribbon

Reason-Low moving mass and larger surface area vs domes.


Everyone should have an opinion here unless they are relatively new to the game.

Lets see if we all learn something new!


Maggie True Ribbon.  no contest.  and i've listened to good examples of Silk dome, Metal, alum, BE, Ring.  honestly i've modified speakers with new tweeters.  i have favored some of the Ring Radiators compared to the dome and they seemed to have better imaging.  BUT nothing compares to a Long Length Dipole Ribbon.  Dipole, dispersion, surface area can't be matched with the other methods. 

If you buy the best example of each type they are all outstanding. So if we look at it in reverse , meaning what is the best cheap tweeter, it boils it down to something more fundamental relating to design. The best inexpensive tweeter is the ring radiator. Even cheap ring radiators perform extremely close the the best examples. 

They really have little character other than transparency and wide dynamics. I have never seen someone say, oh I can hear that ring radiator like they frequently do with metal domes hardness, soft domes smoothing over or ribbon shimmer. 

To me the issue is we have become accustomed to hearing a certain signature and have developed a preference for them.