Can Music Reference MR9 drive Tannoy DMT 215 II

The Tannoy monitor DMT 215 needs 150 wpc to 500 wpc to drive it. I only have a Music Reference RM9 which is only 100 wpc. Will it ok to drive this monitor without causing amplifier clipping? Please advice! Thanks
Roger Modjeski measured my old RM-9 on his bench and we could easily see it was putting out close to 125 watts per side. That should be more than enough for what appears to be very efficient speakers.
If the speaker specifications are correct(sensitivity) then these speakers can be driven with any 'good' quality low power amp(5-20 watts).High quality transformers and power supply mean more than mere power-watt ratings.I don`t believe you`ll ever risk clipping with your current amplifier even at very high sound levels.Your ears would give out before the amp does.
I am just having them on the floor vertical and bases to bottom. Preamp I' used Supratek. Sound so good that I have to put all other speakers away for now. Only one problem is that there is a soft hum on both sides. Not to sure why but never had that hum on other speakers. Is there anything wrong with the Tannoy or the MR 9? Yours must be so quite Jburidan? How many inches from floor to the monitor? I am trying to build my own.
Found another issue is that the bass kind off too boomy, which putting mid range and vocal back. All I can think of it could cause by monitors sit flat on floor. So will try to sit them on the footer that off floor about 8 inches may help.
@ Clio9 and Charles1dad, thanks!
Very high sensitivity speakers (like yours) will easily reproduce ANY noise present in your system. Tube amps and preamps generally have some hiss present and occasionally some hum too. You might try lifting the ground with a cheater plug on the amp just as an experiment but it sounds like the hum is low in level and normal given your mix of equipment. If it's not too intrusive I wouldn't worry about it. The other speakers you were using were not likely as efficient as your current set which is why you didn't hear the hum.
This is a question that I am surprised is even being asked, the answer being so obvious and such....
