RIP Meat Loaf

Marvin Lee Aday ... aka ... Meat Loaf passed Thursday morning.  Rest In Peace big fella!!

He could rock the house!!



I might have been a little less kind, but the last time I commented on that subject, I was called a facist etc. as well as having a couple of posts removed.

@roxy54 “a bit less than kind” might be understating it a touch?



ML wanted to take a public stance on the virus and vaccine. So I guess people can latch onto that.

I usually do not go to a singer or actor for medical advice, but punk rocker types rail against authority in song, so it is unsurprising to rail in his scenario.

I understand how Schadenfreude works, but now that he is dead, it seems like it is really low brow to go on a political bent against him now.

What is the point of it? Vulture signalling or what?

A bit harsh is an under statement... as my mother uses to tell us “If you don’t have anything nice to say, keep you mouth shut”.   But that isn’t followed by quite a few around here.  Some think they are above all others.

It doesn’t matter what he died of.  What matters is he died, and that is sad for some.

As for Arron Rogers... see above, or better, go pound sand. 

It doesn’t matter what he died of.  What matters is he died, and that is sad for some.

When someone like John Prine dies of Covid with an already compromised immune system it is tragic.

When a stanch anti-vaxxer dies of Covid, it is harder for those with their identity defined by politics to, “Keep their mouth shut”.
They cannot help themselves, much like a moth is drawn to the flames.

The ball is hanging there like piñata just begging to be hit.

I didn't say anything about him, and I'm not taking the bait. Amuse yourselves elsewhere.