Don’t want to freak you out…

You know, after reading endless posts about this and that…

I'd like you to turn on your system on and put your fingers behind your upper ear lobes and bring them forward an 1/8th of an inch or so …

Maybe what you have really been looking for all of these years are differently shaped ears?


Even if you consider everything to be "normal", it's a fun little exercise that tells you how different every person hears their system. Ears stick out? Pin 'em back while listening, or if not so much, move them forward, as a little experiment.

You'll be surprised at the difference it makes, and how subjective listening is and what makes for a good system.

I would have to say this is why I like KEF's, ultra articulate; and Magnepan's, omni directional sound. Also my preference for solid state. And that with box speakers I always add a rear firing driver. My favorite for this driver is the Fostex: FE168EZ 6.5" Full Range Sigma Series.

And if you are a slave to other peoples technology, just let this last observation go, K?



I have tried to steal my wife’s ears hile she is sleeping, but got tired of getting slapped! 😉

Did anyone else’s brain automatically add Colada every time you read pinna?