Don’t want to freak you out…

You know, after reading endless posts about this and that…

I'd like you to turn on your system on and put your fingers behind your upper ear lobes and bring them forward an 1/8th of an inch or so …

Maybe what you have really been looking for all of these years are differently shaped ears?


@ Rodman99999


You know you haven’t been to a site in a while when, all of a sudden, there are images. When did this happen?


Wonder of the inventor started their research with a Dixie Cup cut in half? If they weren’t so ugly there’d be useful. They would be much more hip with a bow on top through. These babies and a mask to go with them? Smokin! 😂


I've designed some like the foam ones mentioned, tried different materials and whatnot, but never got around to making them, since the soft foam plugs work so well. The hearing muffs, plastic shell, that I cut the fronts off of and removed the shielding material, did a great job of blocking ambient noise and making the sound more dynamic and cleaner.

Kidding aside, I imagine ebony or cherry would sound better than foam. Too much damping with the squishy stuff. 

Sam Tellig had a great thing in Streophile years ago about big behind ear flaps...