Got a screw loose?

So based on a comment from another forum, I decided to ensure the screws on all my speaker and subwoofer drivers were secure.  Turns out everyone of them needed some level of tightening.

Suggestion:  Check your screws, definitely helped tighten up the sound as well.

Question:  Is there other “maintenance” I should be doing on a regular basis?




If brass seems soft, you could use 304 or 316 stainless steel hardware.  Both are austenitic (no magnetic properties) and available in most types of hardware in both AmStnd or MM.
Ace Hdwr. carries some, but McMaster-Carr if you've something more specific...

Happy Friday, waiting for the snow.

Better idea:  Ditch the boxes and get Maggies.  Only screws on them hold the nameplate and hookup terminals.

