Transmission line speakers!

Hi group,

I just pulled the trigger on a mint pair of Falcon speakers. They are a transmission line design. I don’t see many speakers using transmission line. Does anyone here have any experience pro or con with this type of design? BTW, I have always liked sealed type speakers over ported speakers!

Thanks much!




I’m not sure of how a transmission line port differs from any other port, but that is only part of what a transmission line is

And logically, it would be hard to have a transmission line port without a transmission line behind it.

I grant you, I’ve never seen a good clear cut-thru image of the ‘transmission line’ to show what your rightly question, but Richard does use that verbiage when describing the bass design of the 1’s. And that lower cabinet does exist below the 8” driver. Is Richard misusing the term? Possible, but he is a pretty smart guy, so there must be a reason he has and is still using the term. Perhaps you could contact Richard directly, I’m sure he would respond.

Or, perhaps @tomic601 could clarify as he has had wide ranging discussions with Richard over the years, and this may have been one.


Those are beautiful speakers... impressive

Thank you.  I think they're fantastic speakers.   They do require quite a bit of power, so they wouldn't work well with small tube / class A amps, but they sound great and are easy to work within a room.  Another advantage of transmission line vs ported is that room placement is less critical, and mine are working in a functional living room (a less than perfect space) vs a listening room. 

Khorn. A transmission line with a fold or two. Just my interpretation, as I am no speaker designer. PWK could have ported it, but would not get the efficiency of a true horn, nor the quality of output. Transmission loaded, ime, always had folds within the cabinets, otherwise, it was simply ported. We can agree to disagree. All good.🙂