From Topping D30 to ??? (XLR/Balanced)

I have a Topping D30 which is fine. Its only for Apple Music and movies but it sounds good to me (I listen mainly to vinyl). The linestage I am looking to get has more balanced ins than RCA so I figured I'd replace the Topping with a DAC thats XLR/Balanced. The linestage is fully balanced BTW.


So there's the Modius but I read a really lackluster review on Analog Planet which was concerning.


I'm looking at inexpensive DACs with balanced outs. Suggestions?


A D10 balanced will get you there $139 + adapters.

I would just make cables out of Neglex, 6.5 TRS to XLR.

No wonder that it sounds good compared to vinyl at that price point.

@fuzztone  I saw that one but sadly I would need an optical in and if possible a coax (for the future disc spinner). I’d settle for just optical though. 

This unit has optical out which I don’t understand the need for but I’m not much into digital so that’s just my ignorance talking.

I have a Topping D90SE up for sale that has both RCA and XLR that work at the same time. You can also disable either one.

Topping D90SE DAC Review - A New Benchmark (

I am now using the DAC in my integrated amp to lower the box count.