Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II vs. Absolute Copper IC's

Just replaced my Wells Majestic integrated with a Hegel H390. I've been using A. Zen Silver Reference with the very warm-sounding Wells and have a feeling the more neutral voicing of the Hegel might be better matched with copper cables. 

I'm not sure whether to go with the Matrix or the Absolute Copper and am wondering whether anyone can comment on the differences between these two. 

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Laughing at your posts….and Mr. van den Hul’s conclusion on copper vs. silver.

He must be high on them brownies there….


silver has about a 5% better conductivity than copper..  doubt it would be noticeable in many tests if at all..  I recently had some custom transformers built. I had asked for silver, which was quite a bit more expensive.. The designer/builder uses both copper and silver upon request. I was told that silver doesn’t sound any better and that I should stick to using copper. I was all ready to buy silver and pay the premium over cooper, but went with cooper after listening to the guy with 40+ years in designing and building transformers who could have easily taken my money and let me walk away paying almost twice the price… 



Sorry for the delayed response. We've been hit hard by three feet of snow coupled with ongoing power outage and power's not projected to return until 1/7. I'm on generator and can't stay long. 

Anyway, I use Audio Art speaker cable. I have long runs (20 feet) and when I started out, that's what I could afford. I've upgraded all my other cables over time (some, more than once) but not the speaker cable and I can't see doing it until we live somewhere that affords much shorter runs. 

The storm's brought a halt to my experimenting but The Cable Co. has generously granted me an extension on the loaner cable. I will try combining the A. Copper and Silver Ref. with the Lokius, next.