Roon software bug with Innuous Zenith 3?

I'm still using Roon with my Zenith 3.  Since the latest update (Roon 1.8 build 880) I'm having a strange problem.  Every few days, Roon will show about 1/3 fewer albums than I actually have. Also, when this happens and I try to save a new album from Tidal or Qobuz, there's no artwork displayed  and when I go to my albums>Sort by date added, the new album is not there.  If I turn off and back on the power to the Zenith, all problems go away and the newly saved album appears as does the artwork .  A few days later the same problems come back.  Roon tech support is unresponsive.  I know.... I could download the new Innuous software to substitute for Roon.  But I'd still like to have Roon working correctly.  Is anyone else experiencing these problems? Any ideas/suggestions would really be appreciated.


Thanks.  Still having similar problems after the new Roon update . I bit the bullet and installed Innuous Sense.  For those familiar with Sense, I would appreciate some help.  I installed it on my iPhone and now there's a circular thing going around when I open Sense.  I have over 14,000 albums saved on Roon so is this part of the process of loading those albums in Sense?  How long does it take? Also, I'd like to install sense on my ipad.  Right now, my ipad can't even access the Innuous app to do the update to,Sense...I get an error message.  Is this a result of the ongoing installation on with my iphone and will it correct itself when that finishes? Thanks.

Try on your iPad browser or a computer. It’s the same thing as the app. The Sense app in my iPad can be a bit clunky and sometimes unresponsive. You will also need to disable Roon first on Innuos settings before being able to use Innuos for streaming music. Just a toggle off/on for Roon under Settings.


Where is your music stored? zenith’s internal SSD? How are you connected to your DAC? Sense will only work when connecting your Zenith via USB to the DAC

Thanks very much. takes me to my Zenith but then I get error 404. I'm hoping this will go away --maybe when the spinning wheel on my iPhone stops spinning?

is it normal to see the spinning wheel for several hours (when I open sense on my iphone)?

.some music is stored on the Zenith ssd (CDs I've ripped on the Zenith). Lots of my music is on Roon>Tidal/Qobuz.  

My Zenith is connected: zenith >usb>Phoenix >usb>matrix>I2s>dsd dac.

is the toggle switch for Roon in the Roon app or the Innuous app?  Haven't been able to find it.

Sorry for the questions.  I'm not that technically inclined.

Sorry if you’ve already tried it, but did you restart the Innuos as well as your iPhone? Also it will help if you update the Sense app on your phone to the latest. 

To use Sense … sense app > server > advanced settings > Roon > toggle to Off

@wolverine1 none of what’s happening is normal. You should be able to access Innuos via, even if Sense app on iPhone does not work. As @arafiq advised, try restarting the Zenith.