If you have a CD Player, you need to do this periodically...

I would rather imagine that most audiophiles are aware of this, but if not, may I recommend a very easy tweak that has always produced positive results in every system I've had:

Ayre - Irrational, But Efficacious!

Densen - DeMagic

These are System Enhancement Discs which reduces magnetism that has built up during playback. I'm pretty sure there are other products that purport to do the same thing. These two have certainly worked for me. Good listening!!




I suspect it's not magnetism but static electricity that builds up on discs. What magnetic material is on a disc?

I suspect it’s a great way to take peoples money.  Like the green CD pens 30 years ago.  

For $20 and $3 shipping +tax, I ordered it 2 mins ago. Why not? I used a gift card on amazon last year and there was $9.81 left, bonus. I could be an Ayre bot, it sounds like a fun bot to be. I am not a traffic light bot either.  This is way too may botchecks, tired of traffic lights, crosswalks, buses.

Not familiar with the Densen, but have been using the Ayre disc for almost 20 years now, and...


it's in better shape than I am (good reliable stuff).

