Micromega M100 vs Coda CSib, vs Pass ? vs

I’ve been running a Micromega M100 for a few months that initially I did not care for. Not sure what happened but now I really like it. I was thinking back and it’s possible I had the room correction engaged from the previous owner.
Between the M100 and a few other items I can sell I can round up probably 6 grand. Would anything in that price range used be a substantial improvement to the Micromega. I would lose the very good DAC in the Micromega so would prob need to budget at least 1k out of the 6 for a DAC. 
Driving Pioneer S-1ex and Focal 836w. Listen to Rock, Acoustic Rock, outlaw country, metal, Reggae (sometimes). 


@tmac1700 I had a CSiB from 2019 and the amp section on that was not the latest (supposedly the current CSiB is the same as the #8). I found that the clarity on the CSiB was not the very best I have owned. My Benchmark LA4 + AHB2 (same price as CSiB) was better at that. Given a proper speaker match I would take the Benchmark pair over the CSiB any day. I love the Benchmark sound, though it is not for everyone. I use AHB2 mono in my living room with KEF LS50’s (until better speakers).

I now own the CODA 07x and CODA #8 in my office system. I am planning to get the CODA #16 if some investments work out. The #16 is noticeable better than the #8. The #16 sounds like the AHB2 in terms of clarity. It also has many other attributes that differentiate it from the AHB2, more power, warmth and others. I would have been better off not listening to the #16 with the 07x preamp. I was already happy with the #8. The latest CSiB should sound like the #8 in the amp section.

The 07x and #8 are more refined than the CSiB I owned. In fact, the buyer of my CSiB sold it to someone else because he also said he wanted a bit more clarity on top. The 07x and #8 pairing are a bit better and I hear more on top, and the bass is great with my hard to drive Thiel CS3.7 speakers. This may not be worth the extra money to you, but it was to me.

Another big reason I went with the CODA 07x preamp was because I have a killer headphone, the RAAL SR1a, and I am able to "roll amps" with the dual XLR outputs on the 07x. One set to my CODA #8 + Thiel CS3.7 and the other set to another amp + RAAL SR1a. At the moment I am rolling a Parasound A21+.

A couple of points of interest. The CODA 07x is not dead silent, it has a bit of hiss. It also has source leaks when multiple sources are playing at the same time. This is by design to get the best sound from a single source that is playing. I hate the volume control since it is easy to bump and mess up the balance settings. My wife’s dog has done this a few times. I hated the volume control of the CSib because it was buttons. The remote control for the CSiB and 07x are the same and it is awful to use. However, the 07x and #8 do sound wonderful together.

There are times when I want an utterly quiet preamp sound, so I have my Benchmark LA4 ($2500) also in my office system. I will post some photos of this tonight on Virtual Systems. I am DONE with the office system now.

The final piece to this system was the incredible Musetec 005 DAC. I got it on the sale price of $2969. The very best DAC I have owned. In a perfect world I would have 3 of them for my 3 systems. Read the Mustec thread on A’gon.

L.K.S Audio MH-DA005 ES9038 Pro x 2 DAC Coaxial OPT AES EBU Flagship (shenzhenaudio.com)

BTW - I think prices of audio gear is utter BS for the most part. I like CODA, Benchmark, and KRELL for the value I get from their products. I also like the Chinese DACs, Topping, Gustard, and now Musetec.

Your room is the most important factor in setting up your system. A CSiB would drive most speakers well in a moderately sized room (use volume calculation). If you need room treatments or things like DSP (Convolution in ROON, DSP in hardware), those are more important to me than more money on speakers.

If I were you, I would get the ROON READY KRELL K-300i integrated and find a suitable speaker for it. If you use the internal DAC in it like I do for my bedroom system you can have digital streaming up with just 1 Ethernet cable. I had a young family member come over yesterday from Ohio. I found out he was looking to buy a system. I told him to get the KRELL K-300i. Not only does it sound great with my Thiel CS3.7’s, but it has also so many features. It is also the very best sound with my RAAL SR1a headphones which is an added bonus, and something he said he will buy.

"BTW - I think prices of audio gear is utter BS for the most part. "

Amen to that!

The new AGD Tempo di GaN stereo amp at $5500 might be an upgrade as more than one reviewer has termed the “end game” level amps. Pair it with something like a Musician Pegasus R2R DAC and you may have something pretty special. Just one option to consider.



we sell  micromega coda and krell


the coda setup with a great dac bricasti m3 will be a fantastic setup


or for an all in one the krell k300iis fantastic


please contact us for an more in depth disscusion.

Dave and Troy

Audio0 intellect nj

coda, krell micromegs dealers