SQ of Hegel H390 on-board DAC?

Are any of you H390 owners opting to use its on-board DAC

and if so, how would you describe its sonic presentation?



@bigtwin, jjss49:

Thanks for your comments!

I found an open box unit I hope to purchase today. 

My Aqua La Voce II DAC was $2700 when new, for whatever that's worth. 

Lately, I've been experiencing a dissatisfaction with the overtly warm sonics of my system. It could be that aging-related hearing loss is to blame. 

It remains to be seen whether a "very clean" DAC will appeal to me but I'm hoping the smooth but more transparent SQ of the amplifier will prove to be a welcome change.  

Just bought it.

It's supposed to ship Monday. 

After all I've read, I'm very much looking forward to hearing it! 


I have listened to the h390 on several occasions and I am quite sure that you are going to be very happy with it presentation and musicality. Speakers used were Harbeth, SonusFaber and Dynaudio C1. Congratulations 🎊 


Thanks for the positive reinforcement.

Musicality is crucial !   

My speakers are Silverline SR 17.5 monitors and are definitely on the warm side.


I am a Hegel dealer and have had a 390 here. The onboard DAC will be more forward than the very warm Aqua. The clean and precise sound of the Hegel does not add brightness so this will be a good step forward without getting crazy bright.