Fist Watt F6 vs Pass Labs XA 25

I’m thinking about an upgrade regarding my power amp which is a First Watt F6 dual mono (source: LAB 12 Dac 1 Reference, "speakers": Abyss 1266 PHI TC, preamp: Dave Slagle Autoformer).

I can’t say I wouldn’t be satisfied with this configuration but I’d like to try something even more engaging.

For the moment I’m intrigued by the XA 25 but never had the chance to give it a try in my system. 

Most of the reviews just compare the F7 to the XA 25 but I would be happy to hear experiences from users who had F6 and XA 25 side by side.

Is it worth an upgrade and which exact differences could I expect sonically?



Not heard the F6 or 8. reviews say 8 is big jump up.

SIT 3 is the FW to own per experts.

XA25 used is cheaper. Owned that and went to the INT25.


Not sure what your speakers require in power but the Pass

measures much more wpc than FW.


FW probably won’t,unless you’re running 95db or higher speakers, get you to ear bleed volume.  However, owning a couple FW amps with some relatively easy to drive speakers,they are spectacular at what they do. I have an F5,and when I decided to get a second FW amp,I was considering the F6,F7,or J2. I ended up purchasing a lightly used J2.  I absolutely love it. I do still wonder what the F6,or F7 would have sounded in my systems,but no regrets.  Think about what your needs are as far as volume.  I listen at mid to low levels,and FW never disappoints.