Magnepan MG1.7 fuse question

I have placed an order for a pair of 1.7s. I want to upgrade the fuses but I don't know what spec is shown on the back place for the fuse. One person thought the spec was for a 4amp but I thought that seemed high. Could someone please let me know what the amp size it is. I assume it's a fast blow. Any help would be appreciated.
I remember that burned tweeters not covered and You make a good point to install the correct fuses.
I've heard first hand how the HiFi Tuning Fuse improve the Magnepans, the best improvement one can make to the speakers for the least dollars. Its good to have the correct fuse value now, thanks.
Empirical Design Jumpers are new to me, really interesting, I'll have research this.
I remember that burned tweeters not covered and You make a good point to install the correct fuses.
If you don't playback at very loud volumes that drive your amp to clipping you do not need any fuse at all!

I suggest brass or copper tubing cut to length in place of a fuse.

Fuses only degrade the sound IMO.
Don_c55 - one should NEVER tell someone to bypass the fuses on these speakers without knowing the full story. The tweeter(s) will fry anytime that the amplifier clips and not knowing the amp being used or the listening levels, the best though on this should be"run your speakers and amplifier for 6 months and if the fuse never blows, you MIGHT consider by-passing it for even greater performance gains."